Firearm Crimes Attorney in Lubbock
Relentless Firearm Crimes Lawyer
Most firearm crimes can be charged as a state or federal offense. Firearm or gun crimes can carry serious penalties including years in prison.
State firearm crimes include the following:
- Unlawfully carrying a weapon
- Possessing a weapon in a prohibited place
- Possessing a firearm by a felon
- Possessing a prohibited weapon
If the firearm was not manufactured in the state of Texas, the federal government can also prosecute firearm crimes.
The federal government prohibits the following people from possessing firearms:
- Felons
- Aliens
- Drug users or addicts
- Anyone under felony indictment
- And many others
These federal weapon crimes are investigated by the (1) Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; (2) the Drug Enforcement Administration; (3) the Federal Bureau of Investigations; as well as (4) local law enforcement.
Is it Illegal to Wear a Mask and Carry a Gun in Texas?
Texas law does not name wearing a mask and carrying a gun a criminal offense, even during normal circumstances, but many wondered if COVID-19 would bring additional restrictions. It has been deduced that if the mask is being worn to hide your identity and intimidate others or commit a crime, then it is illegal.
Where Can You Not Carry a Gun in Texas?
Whether or not you have a license to carry a handgun, it’s a third-degree felony to have any guns in certain Texas locations, including:
- schools, school buses, and anywhere school activities are taking place (but see special rules for handguns at colleges and universities, discussed below)
- in court buildings or offices, and
- at racetracks.
It's a crime for license holders to bring handguns to some other places, including bars, hospitals, and sporting events. But they won't be prosecuted unless the establishment has prominent signs, in both English and Spanish, that handguns are prohibited. Even if property owners have posted signs banning handguns, Texas law specifically allows license holders to carry handguns on the way to or from condos, apartments, and other residential units that they own, rent, or are visiting as guests.
We Have Experience Where it Matters Most
If you have been charged by the federal government with a federal firearm crime, you need a Lubbock criminal defense attorney who has federal experience. We have represented multiple clients charged with firearm crimes and achieved successful outcomes for them.
If you have been arrested for a firearm crime, contact our firm for a free case evaluation at (806) 370-7800 and find out what options are available in your case.

Proven Results
Pursuing the Best Possible Outcome
Dismissed Alien Transporting
BWI Dismissed BWI
Dismissed Charged with assault
Reduced Sentence Conspiracy to Manufacture, Possess, and Pass Counterfeit U.S. Currency
Reduced Sentence Conspiracy to Possess With Intent To Distribute